Studio IX & X- Fall 2013 & Spring 2014
Lebanese American University/ Byblos Lebanon

This final year architectural design studio is given as a full-year architectural thesis, with the first phase consisting of an architectural analysis of a different areas in Lebanon, followed in the second phase by architectural interventions that build upon the analysis.
The studio is supervised by Dr. Antoine Romanos, with the assistance of Tarek Zeidan.
The theme of the 2013-14 investigation was the "Extreme Site", each student picked an area with hard conditions, ( hard topography, social and political…). Started with data collection and followed by a site analysis, each student found a proper approach to tackle the site without harming the extreme in it.

The students involved in this studio were:

Mohammed Berry
Nadine Fayad
Lily Hamouche
Aya Iskandarani
Nour Jarmak
Sandra Khoury
Elie Mahfouz
Nour Mezher
Jessica Nassar
Ribal Sariedeen
Vanessa Sawaya
Jana Youssef

Sandra Khoury

Jezzine, like almost all Lebanese villages that lived the Lebanese war encounters, despite its natural wealth in resources, goods and raw materials, a lack of productivity and labor dominated and that is due to many factors.
Its population is mainly composed of children and elderly, since teenagers and middle-aged persons left towards the city seeking high education and job opportunities, same as safe investments which leaves this town in a stagnation phase of economical educational and commercial insufficiency.

Why a winery in Jezzine?
Jezzine is one of the biggest grapes provider region in Lebanon, but still only 10% of its harvest is being invested in the market and that goes from grapes as fruits in summer to wine vinegar arak and raisin that can be kept for many seasons after it. The other 90% goes to waste.
A winery has loads of benefits starting by providing a lot of job opportunities to youth living in Jezzine that can’t afford the expensive life in Beirut city, starting by gathering grapes going all the way to marketing the wine after the whole processes of production, and by that creating a whole economical circle beginning by providing raw materials, production, marketing the product, making profits, then invest it or/and expand the business and provide more job vacancies and income that can be used in many other sectors.
More than that, adding an architectural touch to a wine factory will easily shift it from a boring bottle labeling factory to a touristic site where people, from all over the country will come seeking culture, rest, leisure, and entertainment. And that especially when the winery is situated right at the bottom of Jezzine's waterfall that will be as well the electricity power source provider to the winery, adding up a hydro-electricty generator cutting the production cost to labor and raw products.

Beyond that Jezzine needs a lot of work and adjustments infrastructure wise, and the Lebanese government is incapable of providing the amounts needed to accomplish that.
The winery can be a huge source of income to the region by producing wine at law cost with best quality, attracting tourists, providing job opportunities and attracting the youth back to their towns, thus making Jezzine one of the finest cities in the MENA area.

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