Studio IX & X- Fall 2013 & Spring 2014
Lebanese American University/ Byblos Lebanon

This final year architectural design studio is given as a full-year architectural thesis, with the first phase consisting of an architectural analysis of a different areas in Lebanon, followed in the second phase by architectural interventions that build upon the analysis.
The studio is supervised by Dr. Antoine Romanos, with the assistance of Tarek Zeidan.
The theme of the 2013-14 investigation was the "Extreme Site", each student picked an area with hard conditions, ( hard topography, social and political…). Started with data collection and followed by a site analysis, each student found a proper approach to tackle the site without harming the extreme in it.

The students involved in this studio were:

Mohammed Berry
Nadine Fayad
Lily Hamouche
Aya Iskandarani
Nour Jarmak
Sandra Khoury
Elie Mahfouz
Nour Mezher
Jessica Nassar
Ribal Sariedeen
Vanessa Sawaya
Jana Youssef

Nour Jarmak

Saint Simon, a luxurious resort transformed into a slum. Back in the 50's the people from the capital used to spend their summer in an extravagant resort, saint simon, saint michel and cote d'azure. The chalet that they used to rent consisted  from a single unit, single height, 2 windows and 2 doors. 
However, during the civil war, the people who used to afford these chalets travelled abroad and the other class invaded it. 
And since then, everything changed, this luxurious area was transformed into a slum. 
Some of the chalets remained there and the others where transformed into a residential apartment. 
Moreover, the grid that used to be during the 50's still has an impact till nowadays, people still use the same corridors that was built 60 years ago.

This slum is cut into 3 political areas, each area has its own political thinking that keeps them away from each other, however there is a mediator area which is located in the centre of the slum that is inhabited by foreign workers.
(The Different Typologies of Buildings)

The area is edged by a highway and by the sea, the only escape for the people is the sea 
shore. And the "SEHAT" (gathering areas), each political area had its own seha, it has its own mosque, its own political building…
( A comparison between barcelona and Beirut)

(The two different sehat)
The area is edged between two main barriers which are the highway and sea. It is a main barrier that catalyses to keep the area walled.
Moreover, there is an internal barrier which is the commercial wall. It is where the residents make a living. Most of the people there work in repair shops, technician shops, carpenters…
The statistics show that most people haven't continued their education, which is a main factor to keep them in this area.
I concluded that my intervention should act as a generator to the area. It should act as a catalyst to the area, to open it up to exterior world, so we could become dependent on their product and their handcrafts.
Different strategies of a master plan.
My intervention consists of a strip (the red line) which will stitch the area together. With this thoery, the intervention should mainly be in the different political sehat. 
The strip will be transformable from a building, to a bench, to a pavement, to an installation. 
The mater plan

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